Wednesday, April 28, 2010

They say it's your birthday!

Wow, I can't believe I made it this far. today is my --th birthday. I should be a statistic, nut I'm not, I am a survivor. God has really carried me a long way from where I was. Some times I feel his presence in my life way more than others. Lately things have been going really well, I mean, I'm still fighting my old foe (fear) but I am plodding through, somebody is moving me. I have finally given in to His will and it feels fantastic. Yes there is a lot of work to be done but I'm on my way, lol! I was talking to a wise friend, I told her I felt like Jonah, running and trying to hide from God. Well she said "But Jonah wound up in the belly of a fish, and he still did what God said, you don't want to wind up in the belly of a fish, lol!" Well that was enough for me, and it's my new saying for life, lol! So here I am, -- years old and getting it done. In the next few years I need to accomplish a lot of personal goals, for one...get in shape...whatever it takes. Strengthen my personal relationships, and get rid of some bad habits...Whew that's a lot! But it's my birthday! I can do it, with Face Book I feel so loved, with a ll the birthday wishes, and I feel like a heel because I hardly ever wish other happy Birthday, lol! I haven't shared a recipe in awhile, so here's one for you...Asian Coleslaw,

Asian Inspired Slaw
1 bag coleslaw mix (so easy)
1 bunch cilantro washed leave stems chop finely
1/2 cup roasted and chopped peanuts

3/4 cup mayo (or yogurt)
4 TB of rice vinegar
3 TB sugar (or acceptable substitute)
1 TB (sesame oil)
2 tsp black pepper or cayenne

Mix dressing ingredients in , if needed ad more vinegar to loosen, toss with coleslaw ingredients serve immediately. Can be made ahead and tossed at the picnic.